International Research Center for Inclusion and Teacher Training (IRCIT)

International Research Center for Inclusion and Teacher Training (IRCIT)

IRCIT (International Research Center for Inclusion and Teacher Training) is an Interuniversity Research Center, established in agreement between Università Europea di Roma (Italy) and Instituto Politecnico de Castelo Branco (Portugal). IRCIT carries out all activities related to a fruitful development of knowledge of the themes of scholastic and social inclusion together with the training of teachers of all types and schools, putting in place all the forms necessary for the development of the subject.

To this end, it is proposed to:

  • promote and carry out scientific research activities in the field of school and social inclusion and teacher training
  • organize national and international courses, seminars, activities and refresher courses and study conferences
  • promote scientific debate, take care of the publication of articles, texts, manuals, journals, bibliographic indexes, and to offer adequate support for teaching on the subject
  • favour the exchange of information between researchers in the sector, also in the framework of collaboration with other university institutes or departments, even if not members of the Interuniversity Center, with national and international research organizations and with research units established in research structures of Italian and foreign public and private entities
  • stimulate interdisciplinary collaboration initiatives
  • collaborate in research and development activities with public and private entities, based on specific agreements and/or through scientific dissemination initiatives, symposia, schools
  • establish research awards or grants for the achievement of the Centre’s goals, in compliance with current legislation


Scientific Director:

Gianluca Amatori – Università Europea di Roma (Italy)

Scientific Committee:

Helena Mesquita – Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (Portugal); Loredana Giani – Università Europea di Roma (Italy); João José Tavares Curado Ruivo – Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (Portugal); Rosario Quelhas – Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (Portugal); Catia Giaconi – Università di Macerata (Italy); Silvia Maggiolini – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano (Italy); Roberta Rosa – Università Europea di Roma (Italy); Ewa Domagała-Zyśk – John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Poland); Simone Aparecida Capellini – São Paulo State University – UNESP (Brasil); Gabriele Giorgi – Università Europea di Roma (Italy); Sofia Santos – Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal); Annarita Iacopino – Università Europea di Roma (Italy); Cesare Fregola – Università Europea di Roma (Italy); Gianluca Casagrande – Università Europea di Roma (Italy); Elena Zanfroni – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano (Italy); Lorenzo Cesaretti – Università di Camerino; Emiliano De Mutiis – Università Europea di Roma (Italy); Valentina Castello – Università Europea di Roma (Italy); Joaquim Colôa Dias – Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências de Lisboa (Portugal); Noemi Del Bianco – Università di Macerata (Italy); Ilaria D’Angelo – Università di Macerata (Italy); Aldo Caldarelli – Università di Macerata (Italy); Manuel da Silva Rasteiro – Instituto Politécnico do Sul Jean Piaget (Portugal); Thomastine A Sarchet-Maher – Rochester Institute of Technology (USA); Paulo José Martins Afonso – Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (Portugal); Enrico Miatto Istituto – Universitario Salesiano di Venezia – IUSVE (Italy)

Laboratori di Esplorazione Spaziale e Esogeografia

Le attività riproducono in forma adatta ai più piccoli alcuni processi ed elaborazione dei dati delle imprese spaziali e consentono ad alunni ed insegnanti di approfondire, in forma di laboratorio, concetti utili alla didattica della geografia.

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Address: Via degli Aldobrandeschi, 190, 00163 Rome, Italy
