Adjunct Professor

Curriculum vitae

Born in the Italian city of Avellino on August 28th,1975. Graduated cum laude in Economics and Commerce from Università LUISS Guido Carli and PhD in Actuarial Science from Università la Sapienza, Faculty of Statistics. Visiting scholar at University of Waterloo, Canada, in 2003.

Adjunt professor at Università Europea di Roma of the course in Financing Innovation and Entrepreneurship. From 2014 to 2018 he was an Adjunt professor of Risk Management at Università LUISS Guido Carli. Since 2017 he has been teaching in the postgraduate degree in “Management and Technology – Major in Risk Management and Insurance” at the LUISS Business School.

In 2011 he won the “ORR Innovation Awards 2011: Paper of the Year”, awarded and published by the “Operational Risk & Regulation” magazine in March 2011 for the best paper of the year (Combining operational loss data with expert opinions through advanced credibility theory).

Since 2013 he has been the manager of Risk Management of the Istituto per il Credito Sportivo, the Italian public bank at the service of sport and culture.

Previously, he was Head of Pillar II risks validation in UniCredit Risk Management (2010-2013) and manager for Deloitte Consulting (2004-2009).

Research interests

Risk Management, Banking, Finance, Sport Business


Alessandro Nardi, Vittorio Vecchione (2012). La convalida ICAAP: l’approccio di UniCredit. In: La convalida dei sistemi di rating nelle banche italiane, p.71-82 . Bancaria Editrice. ISBN: 978-88-449-0506-4.

Alessandra Agostini, Paolo Talamo, Vittorio Vecchione (2010). Combining operational loss data with expert opinions through advanced credibility theory. In Journal of Operational Risk, Volume 5/Issue 1,Spring 2010.