Full Professor of Operations & Supply Chain Management (SECS-P/08)


Emanuela Delbufalo is Full Professor of Operations & Supply Chain Management at Università Europea di Roma. Since 2016 she has held the role of Vice-Coordinator of the Departmental Research Centre of Università Europea di Roma. In the same university, she teaches Business Economics and Operations Management. Since 2013 she has been a Visiting Research Fellow at the Supply Chain Management Research Centre of the Cranfield School of Management (Cranfield University, UK), from which she obtained the position of Permanent Visiting in January 2015. She is continuously engaged in international research projects on Supply Chain Management, Circular Economy and Logistics Outsourcing. Among her main publications the following can be mentioned, which have recently been published on Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Management Decision, Production Planning & Control, Scandinavian Journal of Management, The Journal of Management Development, International Journal of Logistics Management.


Research interests

Emanuela Delbufalo researches on Supply Chain Management issues, with particular reference to the critical issues of global supply chains. Her main publications are about two main lines of research: the first concerns the relationship between mechanisms of trust-based governance and risk in international supply chains; the second investigates the issues of outsourcing logistics and procurement with particular regard to the fashion and healthcare sectors. Her recent interest is the deepening of the contribution potentially offered by the Agency Theory to the analysis of vertical relationships in supply chains.


Recenti pubblicazioni

  • Delbufalo E., Bastl M. (2018), Multi-principal collaboration and supplier’s compliance with codes-of-conduct, International Journal of Logistics Management, Forthcoming.
  • Delbufalo E., (2017), “The effects of interorganizational trust on innovation: an analysis of direct versus indirect relationship”, Production Planning & Control, Vol. 28, No. 14, pp. 1165-1176.
  • Delbufalo E, Appolloni A (2017), Relazioni di agenzia e collaborazione per la sostenibilità nelle catene di fornitura globali. ROMA: Aracne Editrice, ISBN: 9788825505450.
  • Delbufalo E., (2017), Market structure and innovation: a theoretical model and its operationalisation. Diritto Mercato Tecnologia, Febbraio, p. 3-23, ISSN: 2239-7442.
  • Delbufalo E., Poggesi S., Borra S. (2016), Diversification, family involvement and firm performance. Empirical evidence from Italian manufacturing firms, Journal of Management Development, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 1-19 .
  • Delbufalo E. (2015), “The influence of supply network structure on firm’s multiple innovation capabilities: a longitudinal study in the fashion industry”, Management Decision, Vol. 53, Issue 10, pp. 2457-2476.
  • Delbufalo E. (2015), “Subjective trust and perceived risk influences on exchange performance in supplier-manufacturer relationships”, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol. 31, pp. 84-101.
  • Delbufalo E., Monsurrò M. (2014), “A game-theory perspective on market cooperation”. Diritto Mercato Tecnologia, Vol. 4, pp. 16-39.
  • Delbufalo E. (2013), Asimmetria dimensionale e collaborazione tra industria e distribuzione nel settore dei beni di largo consumo. Economia Italiana, Vol. 2, p. 1-26.
  • Delbufalo E., Appolloni A., Cerruti C., (2013), “Strategic and organizational determinants of performance in Italian management consulting firms”, Int. Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 5(1/2): 78-97.
  • Delbufalo E., (2012), “Outcomes of inter-organizational trust in supply chain relationships: a systematic literature review and a meta-analysis of the empirical evidence”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17(4): 377-402. (IF: 3.500).
  • Delbufalo E., Appolloni A., (2012), Collaborazione orizzontale e responsabilità sociale nel settore delle telecomunicazioni: una lettura attraverso la teoria dell’agenzia . In: Cerruti C.. (a cura di): Internazionalizzazione e innovazione. Approcci ed esperienze. 141-175, Aracne Editrice, Roma, ISBN: 978-88-548-5436-9.
  • Delbufalo E., Cerruti C., (2012), “Supply network configuration and the capacity of firms to innovate: a theoretical framework”, Int. Journal of Management, 29(3) part 1: 16-28.
  • Delbufalo E., (2012), “Subjective trust, perceived risk and exchange performance in buyer-supplier relationships”, Working Papers Series Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Università degli Studi di Firenze, No. 10/2012: 1-30.
  • Delbufalo E., Cerruti C., (2011), “Supply network configuration and innovation: a theoretical framework for the fashion industry”, Proceedings of 11th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference on “Management culture in the 21st Century”, 1st-4th June, Estonian Business School, Tallin, Estonia, ISBN: 978-9985-9824-7-1.
  • Meneguzzo M., Frey M., Delbufalo E., Fiorani G., Calabrese C., (2010), “Centralization and networking in Italian NHS. European benchmarking and performance evaluation”, Proceedings of the 4th International Public Procurement Conference (IPPC4) “Towards a New Horizon in Public Procurement”, 26-28 Agosto, Seoul, Korea.
  • Cerruti C., Delbufalo E., (2009), “International sourcing effectiveness in the fashion industry: the experience of Italian industrial districts”, Int. Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 427-440.
  • Delbufalo E., Skipworth H., (2009), “L’outsourcing degli approvvigionamenti e della logistica nel sistema sanitario: evidenze dal caso inglese”, in Frey M., Meneguzzo M., Fiorani G., (Eds), La Sanità come volano dello sviluppo economico, ETS, Pisa.
  • Delbufalo E., (2009), “Fiducia e rischio nella rete di fornitura distrettuale: una interpretazione basata sulla Relational View”, in Cerruti C., Paolini A., (Eds), L’internazionalizzazione della pmi italiana, Giappichelli, Torino.
  • Cerruti C., Delbufalo E., (2009), “La gestione delle catene internazionali di fornitura: le sfide per le imprese dei distretti moda”, in Pepe, C., Zucchella, A., (Eds), Imprese e processi di internazionalizzazione, Il Mulino, Bologna.
  • Delbufalo E., (2008), Fiducia e rischio nelle relazioni distrettuali, Aracne, Rome.
  • Delbufalo E., (2008), “Le metodologie di risk management nelle catene di fornitura”, in Cerruti C., (Eds), L’innovazione logistica nei distretti. Ridisegno dei processi e utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie, EUM, Macerata.
  • Delbufalo E., Troli D.E., (2008), “Le metodologie di analisi-intervento per la razionalizzazione dei flussi logistici”, in Cerruti C., (Eds), L’innovazione logistica nei distretti. Ridisegno dei processi e utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie, EUM, Macerata.