The Project

Jean Monnet
Jean Monnet Chairs are teaching posts with a specialization in European Union studies for university professors. They are co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The Chair is an integral part of the hosting higher education institution and is inscribed in the institution’s official academic activities.

The Jean Monnet Chair in European Innovation Policy is the first Chair ever awarded to the Università Europea di Roma (Italy). The Chair holder is Prof. Valeria Falce, Full Professor of Economics Law at the Department of Human Sciences, Faculty of Economics.

The Chair focuses on European innovation policy with a particular attention to single innovation market and intellectual property rights strategy. The teaching course aims to build a solid knowledge-base on Innovation Policy, which is essential to the construction of a community of innovation for economic and social growth, sustainable development and competitiveness.






8 May 2024

Ecosistemi e mondi virtuali: il ruolo del diritto e gli scenari di mercato

Conferenza "Ecosistemi e mondi virtuali: il ruolo del diritto e gli scenari di mercato"   8 maggio 2024 - ore 10,45 – 12,15 - Roma. Partecipano: Valeria Falce - Jean Monnet Professor in Digital Transformation and AI Policy, , European University Of Rome and Maria Letizia Bixio - Professor of Law and Senior Researcher at Innovation, Regulation And Competition Policy Centre, European University Of Rome.   Programma Completo    ...

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6 May 2024

Neuroprivacy: the next frontier

Conferenza "Neuroprivacy: the next frontier"   6 maggio 2024 - ore 12,30 – 14,00 - Roma Partecipano: Valeria Falce - Jean Monnet Professor in Digital Transformation and AI Policy, , European University Of Rome and Maria Letizia Bixio - Professor of Law and Senior Researcher at Innovation, Regulation And Competition Policy Centre, European University Of Rome.   Programma Completo    ...

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17 Apr 2024

Diritto all’oblio, web reputation e data protection in azienda

Conferenza "Diritto all’oblio, web reputation e data protection in azienda"   17 aprile 2024 - ore 10,45 – 12,15 - Roma. Partecipano: Valeria Falce - Jean Monnet Professor in Digital Transformation and AI Policy, , European University Of Rome and Maria Letizia Bixio - Professor of Law and Senior Researcher at Innovation, Regulation And Competition Policy Centre, European University Of Rome.   Programma Completo    ...

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Academic Team

Prof. Valeria Falce

Prof. Valeria Falce

Chair holder | Full professor of Economics Law - Università Europea di Roma

Prof. Valeria Falce – Chair holder and academic coordinator. Her main research areas of interest include intellectual property, competition policy, market regulation, digital innovation and economic analysis of law. Since 2016 she serves as Full Professor of Economics Law at Università Europea di Roma, since 2017 she serves in the same University as Deputy Rector for Development and since 2016 she also serves as PhD Coordinator for the Doctoral Course, admitted to the “Innovative and it...

Prof. Emanuela Delbufalo

Prof. Emanuela Delbufalo

Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management - Università Europea di Roma

Emanuela Delbufalo is professor of Operations Management and Business Management at Università Europea di Roma (Faculty of Economics). Since 2016 she is also vice-coordinator of the Departmental Centre for Research in the Università Europea di Roma. In 2017 she reached the Full professorship qualification from a national Committee (with unanimously positive evaluation). Since 2013, Emanuela is also Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management at the Cranfi...

Prof. Cristina Schepisi

Prof. Cristina Schepisi

Professor of EU Law - Università Parthenope

Her research fields include internal market, state aids, innovation and competition law. She graduated with honours at Luiss-Guido Carli University (March 1993). She has been studying International Law and European Law at Luiss-Guido Carli University and at La Sapienza University of Rome from 1993 to 1999. She obtained the PhD in EU Law at the University of Trieste (1994-1997). Since 2005 she is Professor of EU Law, Competition Law and internal market at Parthenope University (Naples). Profes...

Prof. Philipp Fabbio

Prof. Philipp Fabbio

Professor of Commercial Law - Mediterranean University

He is Associate Professor in Commercial Law at the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria. His main research areas of interest include competition law, intellectual property and commercial law. Between 2005 and 2008, he served as Assistant Professor in Commercial Law at the La Sapienza University of Rome. He has been Visiting Professor and Visiting Fellow in several different institutes, including Wuhan University School of Law (2014), Tbilisi State University School of Law (2012), Loyol...

Prof. Valerio Torti

Prof. Valerio Torti

Post-Doctoral Researcher - Università Europea di Roma

He is Post-Doctoral Researcher at Università Europea di Roma, CREDA. His main research areas of interest include competition law, intellectual property, market regulation, and economic analysis of law. Since March 2017, he serves as Tutor in the Master in Competition and Innovation, and as Lecturer in Markets Regulation and Law, at Luiss-Guido Carli University. He was Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the National University of Singapore – NUS (2014-2016). In 2012, he completed a PhD in Co...



24 July 2024

Volume: Dall’open banking all’open finance. Profili di diritto dell’economia

A cura di Valeria Falce e Umberto Morera – Giappichelli editore – Torino

Vedi volume

8 July 2024

Tavola Rotonda “Intelligenza Artificiale. Scelte strategiche e geopolitiche”

8 Luglio 2024, Ore 10 – 13 – Istituto Luigi Sturzo, Via Delle Coppelle N. 35, Roma

Intervento di Valeria Falce (Università Europea di Roma)

Programma completo dell’evento

29 May 2024

Convegno: La settimana dei dati e dell’intelligenza artificiale nelle banche

29, 30 maggio e 19, 20 e 21 giugno 2024 | Milano, SpazioPola, Via Pola 9 – Aula virtuale

Intervento: Realtà aumentate e metaversi. Due lezioni dalla strategia europea sui dati | Valeria Falce, Professoressa Ordinaria di Diritto dell’economia Università Europea di Roma

Programma del convegno

22 May 2024

Convegno: IA e Mercati dei dati – Sfide per la concorrenza e l’innovazione

22 Maggio 2024, ore 15.00 / 18.30 – Istituto luigi sturzo, via delle coppelle n. 35, Roma

Intervento di Valeria Falce (Università Europea di Roma)

Programma dell’evento

21 May 2024

Convegno su “Poteri pubblici e il diritto d’autore” – Aula Magna UER, giovedì 21 maggio ore 9.30

Il convegno è organizzato dalla collaborazione di ALAI Italia, (Associazione internazionale di studiosi e avvocati specializzati in proprietà intellettuale e copyright) e Il CREDA, (Centro di ricerca di eccellenza per il diritto d’autore incardinato nel Dipartimento di Scienze umane dell’Università Europea di Roma).

Introduce e modera: Valeria Falce – Presentazione del volume “Crisi e resilienza del diritto d’autore”, a cura di Maria Letizia Bixio, edito Giappichelli.

Programma completo del convegno

13 May 2024

Convegno “Creatività e innovazione alla sfida dell’intelligenza artificiale. Il vino nuovo va messo in otri nuovi” – Università Degli Studi di Milano Dipartimento di Diritto Privato e Storia del Diritto

Lunedì 13 maggio 2024 Ore 16:30 – 18:30 Via Festa del Perdono, 7 Sala Malliani – Interviene Prof.ssa Valeria Falce (Università Europea Di Roma)

Programma del Convegno

Call for Papers

March-May 2021 – Series of 6 Friday Seminars and a Workshop on 26 April 2021 in Rome, on “Intellectual Property Rights Strategy in Europe”
Submit draft papers or extended abstracts no later than 30th March 2021

2020 Seminar and Workshop Series on “Advanced Studies on the Standardization, competition and innovation in the Digital Single Market Strategy”
Submit papers or extended abstracts no later than 21th of February 2020

2018-2019 Seminar and Workshop Series on “Innovation Union and Collaborative Economy”
Deadline extended –  Submit papers no later than 17th of February 2020

Seminars dedicated to “Financial Innovation Fintech”
Submit papers no later than 15th of November 2019