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At the European University of Rome attendance is mandatory. If someone doesn’t reach 67% of frequencies then he cannot pass the exam at the following session.

Lessons represent a very important part in students life because they can interact with teachers. This teaching model has been conceived in order to enhance our academic quality standards.

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There isn’t a limited number of places available but students are admitted in accordance to certain standards in order to maintain an optimum number of students per each class. Only in this way the European University of Rome can assure it’s quality standards and train the students at their best.

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For the undergraduate programs (three years) and the Master’s single-cycle studies (five years) the test consists in an aptitude test, a personality questionnaire and an interview with the psychologist.

For the Master’s degree courses (two years) the admission test is based on a skills test, a personality questionnaire and an interview with the psychologist.

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Lectures are distributed in two semesters consisting of 12 teaching weeks each. The class schedule is designed to rationalize the use of time in order to favor teaching and to distribute the workload.
Classes are exclusively held in the morning, always respecting a break from 1 pm to 3 pm that can also be used for additional activities or personal studies.
Lessons last 45 minutes each to ease the attention and learning span. The University provides its students with curricular and extra-curricular activities, in order to enrich their human and professional training.
Please check the academic calendar, lectures & exams (only available in Italian).


The Bachelor of Science in Economics and Innovation Management aims to provide students with a solid background of economic, managerial and financial analysis, with a specific focus on the economic theory. The development of the issues related to the management of innovation in different industrial contexts, analyzing both the economics models of the diffusion of innovation and the managerial dimensions that characterize the processes of innovation of businesses and organizations.
It pays attention to different types of knowledge, in terms of different types of business and business functions (marketing and sales, finance, administration and control, organization and human resources management, production and logistics), and to the entrance to the business venture.
These skills can be used in all industrial sectors, ensuring competence in highly innovative sectors (pharmaceutical and biotechnology, ICT, high-tech manufacturing, advanced services, telecommunications, etc.). In addition, through the use of interactive and participatory teaching methods (workshops, tutorials, business discussions, simulations, team-working), the degree course allows students to train and increase soft skills such us problem solving, decision making, communication and ability of team-working, which are essential to successfully join the working world.
The Master of Science in Economics and Innovation Management is structured in two curricula:

  • Business consulting and professional services: providing a specific knowledge of the business of a chartered accountant.
  • Innovation Management: provide students with economic, organizational and financial knowledge, necessary to analyse problems, make decisions and operate in business management and entrepreneurship.